Photo essay: Transformation
“The ordinary is transformed into the extraordinary, and the mundane into miraculous when surrendered to the Master.”
When I think about all God's miracles in nature, it erases the doubt about what He can accomplish in my life.
He brings bare trees into glorious blooms just as He takes what little I have to offer and turns it into something to glorify Him.
He breathes on the earth in spring and fresh, green leaves unfold and glisten in the sun just as my good works, inspired by Him, bring help and relief to others.
He sends sunlight to the swaying cedars above and the clover that carpets the ground. And rain for the roots. The plants drink it in, finding nourishment to grow and produce just as I open my mind and heart and wait for His creativity to fill my being and turn dull thoughts and lackluster ideas into something that shines for Him.
I need not fret. I need only to surrender to His will and watch for the transformation.
What transformation is God wanting to make in your life?